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Arsenal has become a feeder club

In the past week, Arsenal has sold their captain, Robin Van Persie, and one of their most consistent players, Alex Song. This continues the trend of Arsenal selling their best players. Most of Arsenal’s big sales were to Barcelona or Manchester City, but during Arsene Wenger‘s time at Arsenal there has never been an Arsenal player sold to Manchester United.

What makes the sale of Van Persie to Manchester United so different? Simply Manchester United is one of Arsenal’s most hated rivals (Tottenham is right up there as well). There was a period not too long ago, way too long ago if you are an Arsenal fan, where Arsenal and Manchester United the two top dogs in England and fighting each other tooth and nail for major domestic trophies. So, that Arsenal was willing to sell their captain to Manchester says a lot about how far down the totem pole Arsenal has fallen.

If you are a team who is truly competing for trophies, you don’t sell your best player to one of your chief domestic rivals, especially one who has had your number in recent seasons. Arsenal has not won a major trophy since the 2005 FA Cup– if Arsenal keep on selling their top players to the teams who are finishing ahead of them in the table, it’ll be another seven years until they win another major trophy.

It’s nice that Arsenal has good economic sense in these rough financial times, but fans want trophies. 8-2 defeats to Manchester United cannot happen again.

Thierry Henry to the Rescue!

Image via Bleacherreport

Thierry Henry in likely his last Premier League match for Arsenal came on as a substitute against Sunderland and scored the winning goal. It was a huge win for the Arsenal and it tied them in points and goal differential with Chelsea for fourth place in the league!

As an Arsenal supporter I’ve celebrated all day and thought I should post a video of Thierry Henry highlights. The man is my favorite player after all! And all of us Gooners will miss him dearly.

I am in the New York area, so I will be rooting for the New York Red Bulls. Hopefully I can make it to a couple of their games.