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How many MVPs will LeBron win?

LeBron James with his 3rd MVP trophy (Associated Press)

Congratulations to LeBron James for winning his third MVP. Coming off the best statistical season of his career, in terms of percentages, how many MVPs will LeBron wind up with by the end of his career?

At 27 years old, LeBron is now in the prime of his career and is the best player in the NBA by a pretty good margin. Dwyane Wade has already conceded that LeBron is going to the #1 option for the Heat which will enable him to dominate the ball more without question- something similar to what he experienced when he played for the Cleveland Cavs.

With LeBron working on his game every year, it’s quite feasible that he’ll continue to improve. For example, LeBron’s work on his post game this past offseason will help him for years to come especially when his athletic superiority starts to diminish.

Currently LeBron is already a first ballot hall of famer; if he continues to play at his current regular season level it’ll be amazing to see where his career statistics will put him in comparison to the all-time greats.

By the end of his career, LeBron will wind up with at least three more MVPs which will give him at least six. Those six would tie him for the most MVPs all-time with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

However, in the opinion of many, LeBron’s regular season prowess doesn’t mean anything anymore because he still doesn’t have a title. For a player with his unbelievable ability, he should already have at least one NBA title. I am sure that he’ll win a title at some point in his career which will firmly cement him as an all-time great. Then he’ll finally have earned his nickname “King James.”